New Home Specialist

Knock Down re dos are becoming ever so popular with large building companies delivering affordable luxury homes.

These homes are often constructed under a comply and development application avoiding timely and costly Development Applications. So when it comes to your landscape its essential that your landscaper understands and follows the CDA rules to the letter!

For example, a mistake with your storm water plan can be a costly hassle you just when you don’t need it costing you time and money.

At Collaroy Landscapes we take the time to explain all the issues that can come back to bight you at your final OC inspection which can be months or even years after your landscaper has been paid up and gone. We have worked directly with the owners on Metricon Homes, Clarendon Homes , Hall and Hart and Hotondo Homes to name but a few for years now and pride ourselves in getting the job done right the first time.

Email us your plans today for a free consultation and advice!